Morning Memo - 2024-02-07
This morning I have spent a little bit of time trying to iron out some bugs in my workflow. Working with different file formats on different platforms can be frustrating at best or at worst a complete waste of time. I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle some of these issues so that I can focus on writing.
For example, when I use the Wordpress plug-in it scrambles the properties on the document that I publish. At first I thought that be a major problem and I thought about scrapping the plug-in. I may have resolved that issue by simply replacing the properties after I publish the document. This morning memo is to a large degree a test that process.
The other problem consists of the differences between WordPress and Substack. The solution I would like to try their is that my Obsidian publish I assume converts things to HTML. My thinking is that I can use the Wordpress plug-in, then publish the document to Obsidian publish, and finally to copy the published document into Substack.
I apologize to my regular readers for using this document as a test, but things like this must be done on public platforms, otherwise I don't know for sure whether they will work.
So forget everything that you read here about WordPress, Substack in HTML and look forward to meaningful publications on my other platforms.